
作者: Kishan Sathyanarayanan, CISA, CCSFP
发表日期: 2023年3月31日

Security awareness training refers to the training program conducted by an organization to educate their employees or students against potential threats of malicious cyberattacks. It is a time-proven method to raise awareness about various risks and control procedures to mitigate them. Security awareness training aims to ensure a safe work environment that is free from cyberattacks, ransomware, 网络钓鱼, 恶意软件, 等. Every organization should administer security awareness training regularly in order to keep their employees well-versed with the latest developments.

Security awareness training can be broadly classified into three main categories:

1. 培训模块和内容
Every effective security awareness training program should emphasize imparting knowledge about cybersecurity threats. 培训项目应该包括人身安全等主题, 隐私, 密码管理和社会工程. This training provides in-depth knowledge to the users about various frauds, how they are executed and the course of action to be taken to report the occurrence of frauds.

Methods of administering the training program vary from institution to institution depending on the business profile. 机构必须以博客的形式提供教育内容, 交互式图像, 视频和欺诈模拟. Study modules should be divided into small manageable sections in order to make them engaging and effective.

2. 网络钓鱼模拟
钓鱼式攻击 use malicious websites and emails to infect systems with viruses and 恶意软件 in order to steal financial and personal information. To minimize data thefts, institutions provide 网络钓鱼 simulations to their users. 网络钓鱼模拟 refer to the process of creating replicas of the target emails to dupe the readers. Testing teams create an attractive template and send it to students and employees. Phishing emails appear like regular emails and start with a congratulatory message such as, 点击这里领取积分.” This method attempts to identify whether users are able to suspect threats or not. Users that fail to identify 网络钓鱼 simulations are directed to undergo a refresher course.

3. 分析和报告
The prime function of a reliable security awareness training program is the preparation of comprehensive reports on user activities. These reports help the security teams to identify the users who have completed training modules and obtain their feedback for improvement. These reports further help to identify the users who are exposed to the highest risks and provide advanced training sessions. The training program also helps in the identification of the users who were able to recognize security threats and report them to the security team.

Security awareness training plays a critical role in the success of an organization in the following ways:

  • 减少数据泄露的可能性: 约, 十分之九的数据泄露是由于人为疏忽造成的, 哪些可以通过管理适当的培训项目来预防. 进一步, trained users are far more likely to identify 网络钓鱼 attempts and security threats than untrained users. The cost of administering an organization-wide training program is much less than the cost of an actual data security breach.
  • 支持现有系统: Majority of organizations entrust their employees and partners to report data theft, 因为只有三分之一的漏洞可以被技术检测到. Even though there are state of the art technologies available on the market, 它们不能提供针对所有攻击的保护. Security awareness training programs help to bridge such gaps to an extent by making the employees aware of the latest threats.
  • 增加客户信心: 澳门赌场官方下载不断努力实现客户的信任和忠诚. Organizations must ensure that appropriate control measures have been implemented in order to protect customer credentials such as phone numbers, 地址, 银行账号, 等. Backend staff should be trained to identify possible threats of data theft.
  • 促进积极的文化: The employees are the people who can make security awareness training programs a success by consistently following the training protocols and control procedures. 因此, they should be encouraged to participate in discussions and give inputs for conducting effective training. This inclusive approach encourages employees to work effectively to identify security threats.
  • 法律遵从性: All organizations must have security awareness training program in place. 现在, it is highly recommended for various industries to follow security standards set by the governing bodies. 例如, industrial standards ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002 and NIST 800-53 recommend standard security awareness training programs. An organization-wide robust security awareness program can help organizations to directly remain compliant with various regulations.

In today’s digital world, the threat of data theft is always looming around the corner. 因此, in order to maintain a competitive position in the market and win stakeholders’ confidence, organizations should regularly conduct training programs either online or in person. 然而, 在进行培训计划之前, 安全团队应该进行严格的市场研究, 并听取所有利益相关者的反馈. Even though security assessment training lays down various measures to identify and report threats, its real benefits can be reaped only after the successful implementation by its users.